Many public and private organizations have developed or assembled information, resource lists, and proactive guidance to help health plans, health systems, and healthcare providers address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This blog post presents a list of COVID-19 resources and coronavirus-related information for the healthcare leaders and change-makers working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people.
These COVID-19 resources for health plans, health systems, and medical service providers are categorized as follows and include a brief description of each resource:
- General Information
- Health Plans & Payers
- Providers – Health Systems, Facilities & Professionals
- Regulations – Federal and State-Specific
- Telehealth & Technologies
Also included are some other “resource collections” similar to this post.
RELATED: HCEG’s Executive Director Ferris Taylor on COVID-19 and HealthCare Executive Group
General Information for Health Plans, Health Systems, & Medical Practice Providers
National Coronavirus Response: A Road Map to Reopening
A road map for navigating through the current COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. It includes specific directions for adapting our public-health approach away from sweeping mitigation strategies as healthcare organizations struggle to limit the epidemic spread of COVID-19.
COVID-19—From Now Until June: Action Steps for Hospitals, Payers, Employers, Pharma, With Marty Makary, MD, MPH
First half in a series of two podcasts from Relentles Health interviewing Dr. Marty Makary
COVID-19—After June: Action Steps for Hospitals, Payers, Employers, and Pharma, With Marty Makary, MD, MPH
The second half of a two-part series of podcasts from Relentles Health interviewing Dr. Marty Makary
COVID-19 Coverage: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions on how health insurance providers are addressing COVID-19.
COVID–19: Applying Leadership in a Crisis
Georges C. Benjamin, MD, executive director of the American Public Health Association, discusses healthcare’s most prevalent leadership concerns about COVID–19 including the skills executives need to lead through a crisis.
Seeking Evidence-Based COVID-19 Preparedness: A FEMA Framework for Clinic Management
Clinicians seek to use evidence-based guidelines. So how should leaders respond when there are no best practices? Read this insightful and detailed plan adapted from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Incident Command System to manage its operations during the fast-changing COVID-19 pandemic.
Teaming and Funding Opportunities for COVID-19 Researchers
A database of coronavirus funding opportunities updated on a daily basis. Review this resource to learn more about how health plans, health systems, and healthcare providers are being funded to address the coronavirus.
COVID-19 Resources for Health Plans & Payers
Health Insurance Providers Respond to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
A great resource from America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) on how health insurance payers across the United States are taking action to respond to the coronavirus.
COVID-19 Emergency: Update for Group Health Plans
One of a series of articles on how HHS, CMS and other government organizations are changing policies and regulations to support group health plans and health insurance issuers that offer group or individual health insurance coverage
AHA Urges Private Insurers to Help Meet Historic Challenge to Respond to COVID-19
A letter from the American Hospital Association urging leaders from the nation’s largest private health insurance companies – and organizations that represent them to join hospitals and health systems to “meet the historic challenge” caused by COVID-19 to “ensure that the health care system is there for anyone who needs care.”
Do Insurers Have COVID-19 Covered?
As the implications of COVID-19 for the insurance industry unfold, uncertainty about how the outbreak may impact longer-term trends is proposed.
COVID-19 Resources for Health Systems & Medical Practice Providers
COVID-19 Best Practices
A collection of suggestions collected from participants in recent COVID-19 educational webinars. Suggestions address the following:
- Annual Wellness Visits
- Telehealth
- Virtual Care Options
- Patient Transfers FROM Rural TO Urban Hospitals
- Transitional Care Management
- Educating the Community
- Preparing the Hospital/Clinic
COVID19 Resources for Health Care Facilities
A resource page to assist health care facilities professionals in their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The resources cover critical operations such as air quality, safety and security, emergency preparedness and infection prevention.
COVID-19: Primary Care Strategies to Support Alternative Care Delivery Methods
Information gleaned from a recent webinar addressing the impact of COVID-19 on primary care including planning, prevention, patient management, and virtual care options.
Federal & State COVID-19 Regulations & Policy
CMS Releases Interim Final Rule on COVID-19 Regulatory Changes
A concise, bullet-pointed list of the key provisions of the interim final rule
Sweeping Regulatory Changes to Help U.S. Healthcare System Address COVID-19 Patient Surge
A page listing government regulations and policies on Coronavirus Waivers & Flexibilities
Interim Final Rule on “Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The rule addresses a variety of payment and practice needs for patients and health care providers raised in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as expanding telehealth practice and relaxing rules for teaching physician practice.
State and federal efforts to improve access to COVID-19 testing, treatment
An overview of how elected bodies and state agencies are taking action to expand access to health coverage and treatment during the current pandemic.
State-Specific Regulations and Policy on COVID-19
Compendium of U.S. State Insurance Department Responses
A list of administrative materials, organized by jurisdiction, issued by U.S. state insurance departments to provide guidance to both the insurance industry and consumers relating to COVID-19
COVID-19 Impact on Medicaid, Marketplace, and the Uninsured, by State
Three scenarios representing various publicly reported estimates of the potential increase in the US unemployment rate due to COVID-19
COVID-19 Resources by State
List of state government COVID-19 resources
Telehealth & Accessible Points of Care
COVID-19 Telehealth Developments for Healthcare Providers
A summary of governmental actions regarding regulatory and reimbursement barriers to healthcare providers treating patients through telehealth
COVID-19 Telehealth Developments for Healthcare Providers – Medicaid Update
Medicaid-specific governmental actions regarding regulatory and reimbursement barriers to healthcare providers treating patients through telehealth
AI, Technologies & COVID-19 Resources
How Hospitals Are Using Artificial Intelligence to Battle COVID-19
Info on how medical facilities are accelerating the adoption and scaling of virtual and AI-based tools.
Insights on the Role of Technology and Leadership in COVID-19 Care Delivery, from the Team that Treated America’s First Case
A health system medical director describes the preparation, real-time decision-making, and implementation of a telehealth program to protect patients and staff alike.
Other COVID-19 Resource Pages Like This Page
Coronavirus Disease 2019
Collection of resources from Journal of American Medical Association
COVID-19 Resource Center
Alerts related to the novel coronavirus outbreak and its impact on individuals and organizations – from Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP
COVID-19 Response Resources
Resources and online courses from the Center to Advance Palliative Care
RELATED: Supporting & Convening Leaders & Change Makers in 2020 & Beyond
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[…] COVID-19 Resources for Health Plans, Health Systems, & Medical Service Providers […]
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