
Original and curated content from the HealthCare Executive Group, our sponsors, partners, and healthcare industry professionals.

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Recapping 16th Annual World Health Care Congress & CIO/CTO Strategy Track

Last week a lot of planning, coordination and content development by the HealthCare Executive Group came together at the 16th Annual World Health Care Congress in Washington, DC. For this…

HCEG. Healthcare Executive group. WHCC. World Health Care Congress. CIO & CTO Strategy Track.

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May 10, 2019

Using Low-Code Development Platforms to Boost Patient and Member Engagement

Health plan members and health system patients have become more vocal in their demands for clarity and measurable value from their healthcare services. Members see ever-increasing costs and continued transfer…

Leveraging Low-code Development Platforms to Increase Member Engagement. low-code tools, patient engagement, operational effectiveness, healthcare consumerism, customer centricity, Appian, healthcare executive group, HCEG

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April 20, 2019

Announcing Individual Membership in HealthCare Executive Group

The HealthCare Executive Group (HCEG) is a professional association chartered to convene and support executive leaders of health plans, health systems, and provider organizations. Since the HealthCare Executive Group’s inception…


March 31, 2019

Executives, Policymakers & Thought Leaders Address Healthcare Innovation and Disruption

The HealthCare Executive Group (HCEG) has been convening and supporting leaders of health plans, health systems, and provider organizations for over three decades. Similarly, and for nearly two decades, the…

Healthcare Innovation and Disruption, HealthCare Executive Group, HCEG, 16th Annual World Health Care Congress (WHCC), CIO & CTO Strategy Track, innovation, disruption. healthcare champions, Data Analytics, Pharmacy Costs and Transparency, Importance of Useable Technology, Cybersecurity, HCEG Top 10, Center for Healthcare Innovation (CHI), International Association of Innovation Professionals,

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March 17, 2019

Insight from Champions of Health at 2019 HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition

The 2019 HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition adjourned on Friday, February 15th with 45,000+ professionals from 90+ countries, 1300+ exhibitors, 300+ education sessions spanning 24 topics and 100’s of special…

Healthcare Executive Group HCEG. HIMSS19. 2019 HIMSS Conference. Champions of Health. Leading conferences and events for healthcare executives and thought leaders. 2019 Annual Forum. Digital Health. Transformation.


February 25, 2019

HealthCare Executive Group & Sponsor Partners at the 2019 HIMSS Conference

The 2019 HIMSS Global Conference & Exhibition kicks off this coming Sunday in Orlando, FL and runs through Friday, February 15th. 45,000+ professionals from 90+ countries, 1300+ exhibitors, 300+ education…

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February 7, 2019

Recapping Healthcare Consumerism, Digital Health & What’s Happening w/ HealthCare Executive Group

As January nears to a close and nearly all of us have already abandoned our New Year’s resolutions, we want to share what’s been going on in the last month…

Healthcare Executive Group. HCEG. Consumerism, Digital Health. Executive Leadership Roundtable. 2019 HCEG Top 10 List. 9th Annual Industry Pulse. Executive MindXchange. HIMSS.

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January 25, 2019

Leaders Share Insight on Healthcare Consumerism & Digitally Enabled Organizations

It’s no surprise to anyone working in healthcare that healthcare consumerism and digitally enabled organizations that support healthcare consumers and patients are top of mind for today’s healthcare executive leadership….

January 11, 2019

What’s In Store for HealthCare Executive Group Members in 2019?

The challenges, issues, and opportunities facing the United States healthcare industry change and grow every day. As part of our ongoing mission to support and serve healthcare executives and industry…

HCEG HealthCare Executive Group programs, partnerships, and networking opportunities for our members, associates and sponsor partners in 2019 and beyond.

January 10, 2019

Healthcare Consumer Experience & The Digital Health Organization at the 2018 AHIP CDF

Next week, the 2018 AHIP Consumer Experience & Digital Health Forum (AHIP CDF) takes place in Nashville, TN – the Healthcare Capital of the United States. The 2018 AHIP CDF offers attendees…

HCEG Top 10. 2018 AHIP Consumer Experience & Digital Health Forum. healthcare consumer experience and digital health. healthcare executives.

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December 6, 2018

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