
Original and curated content from the HealthCare Executive Group, our sponsors, partners, and healthcare industry professionals.

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Collections of Information on HCEG’s 2017 Top 10 List

One of the overarching reasons why the Healthcare Executive Group exists is to promote the sharing of information and ideas between its members and the healthcare community at large. Towards…

January 18, 2017

How Predictions About Healthcare in 2017 Compare to HCEG Top 10 List

It’s that time of year when everyone is sharing their thoughts on healthcare predictions and trends for 2017. And the Healthcare Executive Group wants to take this opportunity to share…

December 30, 2016

Using Incentives to Drive Health Care Shopping Behavior – Recap, Recording & Research

On Tuesday, December 13th, HCEG sponsor HealthSparq presented a webinar on “Using Incentives to Drive Healthcare Shopping Behaviors.” Over 100 individuals and companies registered for the webinar presented by John…

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December 20, 2016

2017 Top 10 Challenges & Issues Discussed on the #HITsm Tweetchat

2017 Top 10 Challenges & Issues Discussed on the #HITsm Tweetchat The #HITsm tweet chat is a popular Twitter chat about healthcare information technology and related topics.  The chat is…

October 26, 2016

The HCEG Top 10 List – Innovating and Transforming the Healthcare Industry

The HCEG Top 10 List – Innovating and Transforming the Healthcare Industry Each year for the past 12 years, the Healthcare Executive Group ideates and defines a list of the…

October 6, 2016

Designing Digital Commerce Distribution for the Healthcare Revolution

Last week, HCEG’s marquis sponsor, Softheon, hosted a webinar “Digital Commerce Distribution: Driving Value in the Age of the ‘Digital Payer’.” The hour long webinar, available here as an MP4, was...

August 31, 2016

“ACA: The Road Ahead in Transitioning from “Accessible” Care Act to the true “Affordable Care Act”

Last week one of HCEG’s sponsor partners, HealthEdge, co-hosted a webinar “Payment Reform: Exploring Technology Implications for Health Insurers” with Medica. The hour long webinar, available here on YouTube, was...

August 26, 2016

A Snapshot of the HealthCare Executive Group

Ferris Taylor has been around healthcare for a long time – for almost 30 years now. Over these 30 years, Ferris has seen the ebb and flow of healthcare from…

August 7, 2016

Payment Reform and MACRA: The World is Speeding Up

Payment reform is much talked about, often written about and now becoming real in today’s world. The move to value-based reimbursements and other new business models is an inevitable reality…

July 30, 2016

The HCEG 2016 Annual Forum

Healthcare Executive Group 2016 Annual Forum, Sep 12-14 in New York City TheHealthCare Executive Group(HCEG) is a 26-year old national network comprised of select executives from across the entire healthcare…

July 18, 2016

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